What Home Renovations Require a Permit?

You've decided to take on a home renovation project. Congratulations!

Whether you're planning a simple update or a complete gut job, there's a lot of work to be done. But before you can get started, you need to make sure that your home improvement projects or home renovation plans comply with all the necessary building codes and regulations. It's important to know what home renovations require a permit and how to go about getting the documents needed for building permits.

By understanding what is required upfront, you can avoid any delays or surprises down the road.So let's get started!

Table of Contents:

Planning Your Home Renovation

Understanding the Permit Process

The Importance of a Residential Architect for Permit Application

Common Projects That Require a Building Permit

Obtaining the Required Documentation

Completing the Application and Inspection Process

FAQs in Relation to What Home Renovations Require a Permit

Do I need a permit to remodel my house in Texas?

What requires a permit Florida?

What requires a building permit in Colorado?

Do I need a permit to remodel my kitchen in Florida?


Planning Your Home Renovation

If you're planning on doing any home renovations, it's important to remember that you'll most likely need to get a permit first.

Depending on the scope of your project, you may need to apply for a building permit, electrical permit, or plumbing permit. 

If you're located in Atlanta, Georgia, Sketch Haus's team of architects can walk you through the process. You can learn about how we can help you here: https://www.sketchhaus.com/services

The first step is to contact your local building department and inquire about the permit requirements for your project. They will likely have a list of the required documents that you will need to submit.

Once you have all of the necessary paperwork, the next step is to submit your application and pay the required fees. The building department will then review your application and determine whether or not your project meets the necessary requirements.

If everything looks good, they will issue you a permit and you'll be one step closer to completing your home renovation!

Understanding the Permit Process

If you're planning any home renovations, you're going to need to get a permit.

But what does that entail?

The permit process can seem daunting, but we're here to help you understand it. First, you'll need to figure out what type of permit you need.

Depending on the scope of your renovations, you may need a building, plumbing, or electrical permit. Once you know which permit you need, you can begin the application process.

The application process will vary depending on your municipality, but in general, you'll need to fill out some paperwork and submit it to the appropriate department. You may also need to submit plans or other documentation. It is important to 

Once your application is complete, a building inspector will come to your home to make sure everything is up to code. Once you've been approved for a permit, you can begin your renovations.

But be sure to get inspections at each stage of the process to ensure that everything is still up to code. The permit process may seem daunting, but it's really not that bad.

Just be sure to do your research and submit everything that's required. And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask your local building department.

They're there to help you!

Key Takeaway: The permit process for home renovations can be confusing, but it's important to get the right type of permit for your project.

The Importance of a Residential Architect for Permit Application

The Importance of a Residential Architect for Permit Application

A residential architect is important for permit application because they are specially trained to design homes and residential spaces. They understand the building codes and zoning restrictions that are specific to residential areas, and can help ensure that your project meets all requirements and is approved quickly.

Be sure to provide as much information as possible about your project. This should be done over a consultation when they create your floor plan and work to alter it for you to meet your goals.

The more detail they have, the better they will be able to help you. Residential architects are experts in residential design, and can help you create a space that is both functional and beautiful while meeting your goals.

They can also help with permit application and submission, so be sure to consult with them early in the process.

Common Projects That Require a Building Permit

Building permits are necessary to ensure that your renovations meet local building codes and regulations.

Some common projects that require a building permit include:

  • Adding or removing walls. Installing or removing windows. Installing or removing doors. Installing or removing floors. Installing or removing ceilings. Installing or removing plumbing fixtures. Installing or removing electrical fixtures. Installing or removing gas appliances. If you're not sure whether or not your project requires a permit, you can always check with your local building department. They can tell you if a permit is required and help you through the process of obtaining one, if necessary.

Obtaining the Required Documentation

If you're planning on doing any home renovations, you're going to need to obtain the proper documentation. This can seem like a daunting task, but we're here to help.

First, you'll need to figure out what kind of renovations you're planning on doing. If you're just doing cosmetic changes like painting or new flooring, you likely won't need a permit.

But, if you're planning on making structural changes, like adding an addition or tearing down a wall, you will need a permit. Once you know what kind of permit you need, you can start the application process.

The first step is to fill out an application, which you can usually get from your city or county website. Once you've filled out the application, you'll need to submit it along with any other required documentation.

This might include things like drawings or plans of the renovations, as well as proof of insurance. After you've submitted your application, you'll likely have to wait for it to be processed.

Once it's been approved, you'll be able to proceed with your renovations. While the process of getting a permit can seem daunting, it's actually not that difficult.

Just be sure to do your research and submit all the required documentation, and you'll be good to go.

Key Takeaway: If you're planning on doing any home renovations, you'll need to get a permit.

Completing the Application and Inspection Process

If you're planning on doing any home renovations that require a permit, then you'll need to know how to complete the application and inspection process.

Here's a quick rundown of what you need to do:

1. First, You'll Need to Fill Out an Application for a Permit With Your Local Municipality.

This can usually be done online or in person or you can have a residential architect do it for you. 

2. Once You've Submitted Your Application, You'll Need to Schedule an Inspection with a Building Inspector.

They will come to your home to make sure that the work you're planning meets all the necessary code requirements.

  1. Once the inspection is complete, you'll be given a permit that will allow you to proceed with your renovations.

  2. Finally, once the renovations are complete, you'll need to schedule a final inspection with the building inspector to make sure everything was done up to code.

Following these steps will ensure that your home renovation project goes smoothly and that you don't run into any problems down the road.

Key Takeaway: When renovating your home, you'll need to apply for a permit and schedule inspections with a building inspector to make sure the work meets code requirements.

FAQs in Relation to What Home Renovations Require a Permit

Do I need a permit to remodel my house in Texas?

If you are planning on making any structural changes to your home, then you will need to obtain a permit from your local municipality. This includes changes such as adding or removing walls, increasing the size of windows or doors, and changing the roofline.

If you are simply making cosmetic changes, such as painting or installing new flooring, then a permit is not required.

What requires a permit Atlanta, Georgia?

In Florida, any home renovation that involves structural changes, electrical work, or plumbing requires a permit.

What requires a building permit in Georgia?

In Georgia, any home renovation that involves electrical, plumbing, or structural work requires a permit.

Do I need a permit to remodel my kitchen in Atlanta?

If you are planning on making any structural changes to your kitchen, then you will need to obtain a permit from your local Florida building department.

This includes changes such as moving load-bearing walls, adding or removing windows, and changing the layout of the room.

Even if you are not making any structural changes, you may still need building permits for remodeling work, plumbing system, or other remodeling projects.


If you really want to be safe and avoid delays in the permitting process, it's important to work with a licensed residential architect.

Please check with your local building department to confirm their requirements.You might be surprised to know that a permit is not always required for home renovations.In general, if the work you're planning is cosmetic in nature and doesn't involve any structural changes, then a permit is not required.However, if you're planning any work that involves electrical, plumbing, or HVAC, then a permit is typically required. The above statement is not meant to be interpreted as a legal opinion.

Sketch Haus is the perfect place to get your architect home floor plan designs for renovation. We offer a wide range of services that can help you with any home renovations you may need, and we're always happy to answer any questions you may have. Give us a call today or visit our website to learn more about what we can do for you!


SketchHaus: Home Renovation Architect in Atlanta, Georgia


How to Start a Home Renovation: Define Your Goals